The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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H#: 65354 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
12-Sep-90 18:48:42
Sb: #65100-Peace and Quiet !
Fm: John Watts 73760,751
To: Paul Johnson 73577,646
Thanks Paul, I'll start adding the space. Do you, or does anyone, know of
the existance of some sorce code on a small editor that I might be able to
down load. Like the editor in PB/TB ( same style ) or that could be
altered to match. I spend all my editing time in PB, why should I learn
another set of commands when I want to write a letter.
Thanks again
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H#: 65216 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
11-Sep-90 21:33:51
Sb: #64617-#$Link & ^KP Questions
Fm: Richard Kanarek 72371,111
To: Barry Erick for Spectra 75300,214 (X)
Hello again!
Regarding "bnk...", I have problems with my keyboard not typing
what I want too! Sometimes it gets so bad that I have to use a
spell checker! I guess they just don't make keyboards like they
used to! :-)
Regarding the no (int 21h, fun. 09h) printing without one or more
blank lines at the end of the pb file...
Eeeek! Its a BUG!
Yes, I tried a program similar to the one I uploaded previously at work
(i.e. on a geniune IBM PS/2 50z) and when it was compiled to memory
(I never did try an exe file)...
a) With one or more blank lines at the end of the *.bas file everything
went smothly*.
b) Without the blank line the assembler program never printed.
*By `smothly' I mean it printed the text it was suposed to. As you
already know, it doesn't print the text at the right spot on the
first try, but thats a seperate issue.
Any comments from Spectra R&D???
On a seperate seperate issue, I was able to get the little test
program up and running with minimum difficulty, as a result of the
advice I've been receiving here! (I hope I'm not the only one)
Thanks again!
P.S. Mr. Zale: I just read one of your posts about you adding better
$LINK error messages to 2.10- Great idea!
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H#: 65233 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
12-Sep-90 03:59:43
Sb: #65216-$Link & ^KP Questions
Fm: Barry Erick for Spectra 75300,214
To: Richard Kanarek 72371,111 (X)
I ormally do not end with a blank line, or even a carriage return. Quite often,
however, I will $Link in OBJ code at the end, rather then the beginning, of the
file with an end before it so the debugger won't go off into la-la land by
tracing into the obj code. Of course, when 2.10 comes out and you are doing
this through an external debugger, it won't be a problem. Don't read this as
the internal debugger will be gone; it is still there and better than ever.
--- Barry
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H#: 65141 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
11-Sep-90 13:03:35
Sb: #65101-Structures
Fm: Mason Landstreet 71220,1547
To: Bob Zale: PowerBASIC R&D 76304,1303 (X)
Thanks Bob. I was just curious.
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H#: 65130 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
11-Sep-90 10:48:58
Sb: Wishes and a Buglet
Fm: Bill Evans 70160,436
To: Bill Harrison 71170,673 (X)
I have used PBINST to define the following:
Ctrl Left Arrow = begin block
" Right " = end "
" Down " = copy "
" Up " = move " I think it is reasonbly intuitive.
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H#: 65332 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
12-Sep-90 16:55:21
Fm: BRAD A ANDERSON 75216,614
I have a couple of questions that I hope someone has the answers. I was trying
to use ARRAY SORT on a 2 dimension array and found myself getting nowhere fast.
I have an array of names and addresses eg. nm$(x,y) is it possible to use ARRAY
SORT to sort the entire array based on any given field. For example can I sort
the array based on city, state etc. If so, what am I missing. If you compile
programs to chain programs, if you compile the main program as $FLOAT PROCEDURE
you can then compile some of the chain files as PROCEDURE and some as EMULATE
and all is ok but if you compile the main file as EMULATE you can't....any idea
why this won't work? Also is it possible to pass a constant to an OBJ file. I
have several programs (ASM) that I've written but when I call them I have to
set a variable and then call. For example. X=1:call sample(x) ---- works ok
call sample(1) -------- doesn't work Any idea why this is ?
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H#: 65408 S12/SPECTRA Publishing
13-Sep-90 03:57:45
Sb: #65332-POWER BASIC
Fm: Barry Erick for Spectra 75300,214
To: BRAD A ANDERSON 75216,614
I will attack the passing the constant first. It is possible to pass the
constant to the .obj file, but is not recommended. This is because the passing
methods can change from version to version, and it is best to pass the
variable. However, you shouldbe able to pass this if you have declared all
things as integers:
Defint a-z
Call sample(1) ' or
Call sample(1%)
Most likely, your problem will go away if you make the 1 an integer with call
-- Barry
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